About Me I am Chaitanya Yadav

Driven full stack Ruby on Rails developer, Entrepreneur and Passionate Cricketer.

I am available for freelance projects.

Let's work together indeed!

experience & Education More about my past

Work experience

GitHub Campus Expert@GitHub Education

Working at GitHub Education for spreading awareness about new technologies.


Captain@IIITA-Cricket Team

Plays cricket for college cricket team.

May 2018- July 2018

Technology Analyst@Morgan Stanley

Summer Intern at Morgan Stanley, Mumbai.


Overall Coordinator@Aparoksha, The Annual Technical Festival, IIIT Allahabad

Lead the team of 100+ Members towards common goal of providing the best platform for all tech enthusiast around the world to showcase their talent.


Founder & Full Stack Developer@BitNotes

Works as Full Stack Developer & DevOps at my own Startup BitNotes, platform for sharing Notes, Papers, Assignments.


Coordinator@Software Development Wing, GeekHaven

Works on developing software for IIIT-A community.


Member@Hack In The North(Student Held Hackathon)

Works for organizing Hack In the North, India's Biggest Student Held Hackathon.


Member@Web Development Wing, GeekHaven

Worked on building website for college festivals and events.


Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

BTech in Information Technology.


Thakur Vidya Mandir Junior College, Kandivali

Science Stream with Computer Science

My Contributions Open Source

Rails Projects

GitHub Classroom

GitHub Classroom is a Ruby on Rails application designed to automate repository creation and access control, making it easy for teachers to distribute starter code and collect assignments on GitHub.



An event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences.

My Projects Personal & College

Rails Projects


BitNotes is my Startup. BitNotes is platform for sharing Practicals, Assignments, Papers, Class Notes etc with community of student who are always tested with submission deadlines, practical completions.

Nov 2016-Dec 2016

Dock Assistant

Dock-Assistant is a 7th-semester project of the University of Texas. I worked remotely for my client to help her with an implementation of a project idea. Dock assistant keeps tracks of ships, vendors, workers etc on the dock. Generates report and workers pay for scheduled time period.

March 2016-March 2016

Pinterest Clone

Pinterest-Clone is rails site with features of Pinterest. Authentication system is build for securing your pins. You can create pins, edit, update and destroy them. Like system is built for taking public response.

March 2016-March 2016

Movie Review App

Movie Review App is site for listing latest movie's review. You can rate the movie using star system. You can even search the movies. Elastic Search is implemented for search.Authentication system is build for securing your reviews. This is really cool project.

March 2016-March 2016

Rails ChefGuide

CookBook is rails site for listing Cooking recipes. You can create, edit, update and destory recipes. It consist of dynamic form. Authentication system is build for securing your shared recipes. You can comment on the recipes and much more.

Other Projects
May 2018-July 2018

AdBuilder WORM Storage, Morgan Stanley

Project on processing, validating files from vendor system and storing in internal archive.

Jan 2018- May 2018

Citation Network Analysis

• Built a citation network of different Authors from the given citation network of the papers.
• Temporal study on the graph and observe the shift in research areas of every author.
• To find the influence of one particular author on the other.

Aug 2017-Dec 2017

Peer to Peer file transfer using Pastry Protocol

Reducing search time using Pastry Protocol in Peer to Peer file storage and transfer system.

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